10/31 Android Phone Fans

// Press Shot Labeled as Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Carrier Branding Nowhere to Be Found
// October 31, 2011 at 7:03 PM

The above image doesn't look much different than any other official Samsung Galaxy Nexus image we have seen before, but this one isn't just any Galaxy Nexus. According to the astute men of DroidLife, this image has the distinction of originally having the file name "Verizon_SCH-i515.jpg.″ The image was located on Samsung's website, and despite its name the device pictured lacks any recognizable Verizon marks. Two possibilities here: (1) the file is a placeholder image with Verizon included in its name for identification purposes for the people working on the Samsung website, or (2) like the Nexus devices before it, the Galaxy Nexus will be absent of the expected carrier branding, lending to it's clean Google Experience roots. Sure, it's a bit much of a fuss over a single image, but it is the Galaxy Nexus. We'll take any excuse to talk about this beautiful device.
[via DroidLife]

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10/29 TeknoUp

// Samsung Focus S dan Focus Flash Dirilis 6 November
// October 29, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Melalui status di akun Facebook-nya, operator AT&T menyatakan kalau kedua ponsel Windows Phone Samsung terbaru, Focus S dan Focus Flash akan dirilis tanggal 6 November. Dengan kontrak 2 tahun Focus S bisa didapatkan dengan $200, dan Flash bisa didapatkan dengan $50. Kita tunggu kehadirannya di Indonesia.

Samsung Focus S memiliki layar SAMOLED Plus ukuran 4.3 inchi resolusi

// Elop: Tablet Windows 8 Adalah Kesempatan yang Menarik untuk Nokia
// October 29, 2011 at 1:01 PM

CEO Nokia Stephen Elop dalam interview di event Nokia World menyatakan kalau Nokia membuka pintu untuk tablet Windows 8. Meskipun ia tidak mengatakan apapun mengenai strategi Nokia sendiri, ia menyatakan secara blak-blakkan kalau OS desktop milik Microsoft adalah sebuah kesempatan yang menarik karena Windows 8 dan Lumia-nya Nokia berbagi dasar-dasar interface yang sama.


// LG: Kami Berkomitmen Memberikan Update Ice Cream Sandwich Untuk Seri Optimus
// October 29, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Untuk Anda pemilik LG Optimus 2X mungkin kemarin mendengar berita kalau ponsel dual core tersebut tidak akan mendapatkan Ice Cream Sandwich. Namun jangan kecewa dulu, karena perwakilan resmi dari LG Mobile Indonesia telah memberikan pernyataan mengenai berita tersebut. Berikut pernyata

// Apa Saja Jeroan Samsung Galaxy Note?
// October 29, 2011 at 10:20 AM

Samsung Galaxy Note adalah sebuah smartphone jumbo yang mendekati ukuran tablet dengan spesifikasi yang tergolong luar biasa. Mungkin Dana sudah tahu beberapa di antaranya seperti prosesor dual core 1.4GHz, kamera 8MP dan 2MP, layar 5,3 inci beresolusi 1280x800 piksel. Namun secara lengkap apa saja yang ada dibalik Samsung Galaxy Note? Disini Engadget dan developer Francois Simond membeberkan

// Analis: Samsung Geser Apple Sebagai Penguasa Pasar Smartphone Global
// October 29, 2011 at 10:16 AM

Berdasarkan laporan terbaru dari firma riset dan konsultasi Strategy Analytics, Samsung telah mengirim 28 juta smartphone dan menggeser Apple sebagai vendor smartphone terbesar di dunia dengan pangsa 24%. Menurut Alex Spektor, analis senior firma tersebut, Samsung mampu meraih peningkatan besar karena mampu mengkombinasikan antara desain perangkat keras yang elegan, layanan Android yang popul

// Samsung: Smartphone Layar Fleksibel Hadir Tahun 2012, Plus Tablet dan Lainnya
// October 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM

Samsung Electronics pada hari Jumat kemarin menyatakan akan meluncurkan ponsel dengan layar fleksibel di tahun 2012. Pernyataan yang disampaikan pada saat pengumuman pendapatan perusahaan tersebut juga menyebutkan bahwa setelahnya akan dibuat tablet dan perangkat portabel lain dengan layar yang serupa. Perusahaan ini menargetkan agar produk ini sukses seperti smartphone Galaxy SII yang telah

// Google TV Diperbarui ke Android 3.1, Tambah Market dan Aplikasi
// October 28, 2011 at 10:37 PM

Setelah cukup lama tidak terdengar kabarnya, Google akhirnya mengumumkan update platform Google TV mereka ke Android 3.1 seperti yang dijanjikan. Update ini juga meliputi perombakan terhadap antarmuka dan ditambahkan dukungan untuk aplikasi dari Android Market.

Google mengatakan bahwa tujuan Google TV sekarang lebih realistis yaitu sebagai pelengkap layanan TV setelah kabel dan satel

// LG Optimus 2X Tidak akan Peroleh Android Ice Cream Sandwich
// October 28, 2011 at 10:15 PM

Kabar kurang menyenangkan berhembus bagi para pemilik LG Optimus 2X. Menurut sebuah pernyataan dari halaman Facebook LG India, LG menyatakan tidak akan memasang update Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich pada perangkat bernama lengkap LG Optimus 2X P990 ini.

Berita ini tentu mengejutkan bagi para pengguna LG Optimus 2X, salah satu smartphone Android yang pertama kali memakai prosesor dual

// ITG Siapkan xpPhone 2, Windows 8 dalam Genggaman
// October 28, 2011 at 9:46 PM

Perusahaan pembuat gadget xpPhone, smartphone berbasis Windows XP, kembali mengeluarkan produk baru. Produk yang disebut xpPhone 2 ini memanfaatkan sistem operasi terbaru Microsoft yaitu Windows 8 dengan layar Metro.

Produk xpPhone 2 ini memakai layar 4,3 inci dengan dimensi 140 x 73 x 17.5 mm. Di dalamnya oleh ITG akan dipasang prosesor 1.6GHz (kemungkinan Intel Atom), RAM 2GB dan m

// Microsoft Bagikan Undangan Acara 7 November Bertema Windows Phone
// October 28, 2011 at 9:25 PM

Microsoft dikabarkan sedang bersiap untuk mengadakan acara besar bertema Windows Phone. Undangan untuk acara ini telah disebar dengan tajuk Backstage yang akan berlangsung di New York pada tanggal 7 November nanti.

Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh beberapa orang dari tim Microsoft Windows Phone seperti Andy Lees dan Joe Belfiore. Selain kaduanya juga akan hadir beberapa rekanan lain untu

// AMD Catat Kenaikan Profit di Kuartal Tiga
// October 28, 2011 at 4:59 PM

Kuartal dua yang buruk telah dilupakan oleh Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) dengan hasil laporan kuartal tiga yang membaik.

Perusahaan saingan Intel di bisnis chip komputer ini melaporkan kenaikan pendapatan dari 1,57 milyar dolar menjadi 1,69 milyar dolar atau naik 7% dibanding kuartal sebelumnya. Yang lebih baik bagi AMD adalah pendapatan bersih mereka naik dari hanya 61 juta dolar di

// Perusahaan Label Rekaman Menarik Diri dari Aplikasi BBM Music?
// October 28, 2011 at 4:44 PM

Seperti yang telah kita ketahui Research In Motion telah merilis secara beta aplikasi BBM Music untuk para member BlackBerry Beta Zone. Akhir-akhir ini banyak yang melaporkan bahwa banyak yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses lagu-lagu yang user pilih.Terdapat pesan seperti gambar di atas yang berisi ''Lagu ini tidak dapat diputar dan sudah ditarik dari layanan ini''. Apaka

// Android Murah Akan Merajalela di Tahun 2015
// October 28, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Empat tahun lagi pengapalan ponsel murah berbasis Android akan meledak dan booming. Itulah laporan dari firma In-Stat yang memprediksi kalau pengapalan ponsel Android dengan harga di bawah 150 dolar akan mencapai 339 juta unit pada 2015.

In-Stat mengatakan kalau konsumen smartphone di pasar dengan tingkat subsidi harga yang rendah hanya akan memiliki opsi untuk membeli Android dan me

// LG : Merugi dan Pendapatan Turun, Harapkan Optimus One Untuk Meraih Pasar
// October 28, 2011 at 4:16 PM

Setelah Sony Ericsson, Apple, Nokia, dan

// BlackBerry Curve 9360 Apollo - BlackBerry Berdesain Tipis dan Elegan dari Keluarga Curve
// October 28, 2011 at 4:15 PM

BlackBerry Berdesain Tipis dan Elegan dari Keluarga Curve: Blackberry 9360 Apollo hadir menjadi seri terbaru dari keluarga Curve. BlackBerry ini memiliki desain yang tipis dan ringan. Dengan mengusung sistem operasi BlackBerry OS 7, smartphone ini menjadi anggota keluarga Curve pertama yang menggunakannya. Ada pula fitur mutakhir NFC untuk berkomunikasi dengan device lain. Dibanderol dengan harga sekitar Rp 3.5 juta, apakah BlackBerry 9360 layak menj

// Samsung Galaxy Note Hadir Dalam Balutan Warna Putih
// October 28, 2011 at 4:11 PM

Samsung yang sedang mengadakan tur Eropa di London, Inggris, untuk keperluan promosi Galaxy Note memberikan sedikit kejutan. Ponsel jumbo yang sebelumnya kita ketahui hanya memiliki varian warna hitam, tampil dalam balutan warna putih pada sehari sebelum perilisannya secara menyeluruh di Eropa. Perangkat hybrid ponsel dengan tablet tersebut awalnya diperkenalk

// Samsung, LG, dan Sharp Kebut Pengerjaan Layar iPad 3
// October 28, 2011 at 3:37 PM

Partner pabrikan Apple diberitakan sedang mempercepat pembuatan layar beresolusi tinggi sebagai bagian dari Retina Display pada iPad 3.

Menurut laporan yang diberitakan oleh CNET, CEO LG Young Soo Kwon mengkonfirmasikan kalau perusahaan nya yang saat ini juga membuatkan Retina Display untuk iPhone 4 dan iPhone 4S, sedang dalam pengerjaan untuk membuat layar iPad 3. Selain LG, dua per

// Pendapatan Samsung Untuk Kuarter 3 Tahun 2011 ini Turun 13%
// October 28, 2011 at 2:52 PM

Seperti yang diketahui bahwa Samsung Electronics Co merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi yang memiliki pendapatan terbesar. Namun dari laporan per kuarter perusahaan ini dikatakan mengalami penurunan hampir sebesar 13% dalam kuarter 3 tahun 2011. Diperkirakan penurunan pendapatan ini dikarenakan adanya penurunan pe

// Windows Phone Apollo Rilis Pertengahan 2012
// October 28, 2011 at 2:44 PM

Mango baru sekitar 2 bulan dirilis oleh Microsoft dan belum banyak ponsel berbasis Windows Phone 7.5 ini yang beredar. Namun pembicaraan mengenai penerus dari Mango sudah dimulai dengan pernyataan dari pihak Nokia yang mengatakan update Apollo, penerus Mango, akan keluar pada pertengahan tahun depan.

Michael Halbherr, Executive VP for Location and Commerce Nokia, mengatakan kalau Apo

// HP Tentukan Masa Depan WebOS Beberapa Bulan Lagi
// October 28, 2011 at 2:39 PM

HP menghabiskan $1,2 miliar untuk mengakuisisi Palm dan institusi mereka yang berada di bawah platform WebOS. Palm telah merilis Palm Pre dan Pre2, dan HP melanjutkannya dengan merilis Pre 3, Veer dan HP Touchpad. Semua perangkat tampaknya tidak pernah menarik perhatian konsumen, atau tidak pernah mengalami kesuksesan penjualan. Sekarang, beberapa bulan kemudian, dengan CEO baru, HP telah men

// Sony Umumkan Paket Bundling Pertama PSVita
// October 28, 2011 at 2:20 PM

Untuk Anda yang berencana untuk menjadi pembeli pertama dari PlayStation Vita, Sony memiliki kabar gembira karena mereka akan memberikan beberapa bonus menarik dalam setiap paket pembelian PSVita.

Edisi pertama dari paket bundling PSVita ini pertama dijual di Amerika dengan harga $349.99 atau Rp 3,1 juta yang berisi PlayStation Vita 3G, memory card edisi PSVita 4GB, case limited edit

// Motorola : Hanya 100ribu Xoom Terjual di Kuartal 3
// October 28, 2011 at 1:51 PM

Motorola mengakui kalau penjualan tablet Xoom yang hanya 100.000 unit pada kuartal 3 membuat mereka kewalahan dan semakin menjauh dari persaingan dengan iPad.

Dalam laporan keuangan untuk kuartal tiga, Motorola mengapalkan sekitar 11,6 juta unit handset yang didalamnya adalah 4,8 juta unit smartphone dan sekitar 100ribu unit Xoom. Angka ini naik dibanding kuartal tahun sebelumnya yan

// Ponsel Basis Windows Phone 100% Sudah Diupdate ke Mango
// October 28, 2011 at 1:31 PM

Microsoft mengatakan bahwa pihaknya sudah berhasil mengupdate seluruh ponsel Windows Phone ke Mango. Eric Hautala, GM bagian Customer Experience Engineering dari Microsoft, mengatakan dalam blog resmi bahwa Micr

// Apple Akan Rilis TV, Siapkan Siri Jadi Pengganti Remote
// October 28, 2011 at 1:28 PM

Apple telah merencanakan untuk meredesain televisi sejak tahun 2007 dan Apple TV yang sebelumnya di rilis oleh Apple adalah permulaan.

Kamis lalu The New York Times melaporkan kalau quote dari biografi Steve Jobs ''I finally cracked it'' telah menyebabkian adanya rumor kalau Apple telah berhasil menemukan cara baru untuk menikmati konten televisi yang saling terintegr

// Acer Allegro Resmi Diumumkan, Dibandrol Rp. 3.7juta
// October 28, 2011 at 12:27 PM

Acer hari ini resmi mengumumkan peluncuran ponsel Windows Phone pertamanya dinamakan Allegro. Dibawah ini akan ada spesifikasi dari Acer Allegro :

Memiliki dimensi : 11.6 x 5.9 x 13mm

Berat 126gram

Layar ukuran 3.6 inchi WVGA resolusi 480 x 800

Prosesor 1 Ghz Qualcomm MSM8255

Penyimpanan internal hingga 8 GB ditambah dengan

// Samsung Luncurkan SCH-i929 dan SCH-W999, Ponsel Dual-Layar
// October 28, 2011 at 12:16 PM

Diketahui bahwa Samsung telah mengumumkan ponsel Android terbarunya di China, Samsung SCH-W999 merupakan ponsel flip dengan layar ganda (dual-layar). SCH-W999 memiliki layar luar dengan ukuran 3.5 inchi dengan resolusi 480 x 800 tentunya dengan AMOLED, sedangkan layar dalamnya juga berukuran 3.5 inchi. Selain itu SCH-W999 juga memiliki kamera 5MP bersamaan dengan prosesor 1.5 GHz dengan chip

// Video BlackBerry Enterprising Minds, Konsep Perangkat Mobile Masa Depan
// October 28, 2011 at 12:06 PM

Kami menemukan sebuah video yang cukup menarik dan harus dilihat oleh semua penggemar BlackBerry. Video di bawah ini menunjukkan karya-karya seni menakjubkan dari sebuah kelompok yang didukung oleh BlackBerry Enterprising Minds. Anda dapat melihat beberapa ide-ide besar tentang manajemen perangkat mobile bisa seperti apa nantinya di masa yang akan datang.

Anda dapat melihat beb

// Benchmark Browser Lumia Yang Terbaik Di Platform Windows Phone
// October 28, 2011 at 12:02 PM

Apa yang membedakan ponsel Windows Phone Nokia dengan Windows Phone dari vendor lain ? Meski memiliki tampilan yang sama dengan kompetitor lainnya, tetapi Lumia dari Nokia menjanjikan performa diatas rata-rata Mango lainnya.

Lumia 800 dan 710 yang menggunakan prosesor 1,4GHz di tes melawan HTC Radar, yang sama-sama adalah ponsel generasi pertama dari Mango meski prosesor nya hanya 1

// BlackBerry PlayBook Kembali Diobral, Beli 2 Gratis 1
// October 28, 2011 at 11:15 AM

Research In Motion kembali memberikan penawaran khusus untuk setiap pembelian BlackBerry PlayBook. Kali ini penawaran khusus ini hanya untuk kalangan Bisnis / Perusahaan, setiap pembelian dua unit BlackBerry PlayBook akan mendapatkan 1 unit BlackBerry PlayBook, GRATIS !!! Tidak hanya itu saja, RIM juga menyediakan Case Kulit, BlackBerry Charging Pod, dan Kabel HDMI Hi-Speed sebagai bonus akse

// BlackBerry Porsche 9981 Hadir Dalam Video
// October 28, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Menurut kabar, BlackBerry Porsche 9981 akan diumumkan dan diperkenalkan secara resmi hari ini pada acara di Dubai bersamaan dengan produk lainnya, Bold 9790. Namun sebelum acara tersebut berlangsung, Porsche 9981 tampaknya sudah berpose dan diabadikan dalam sebuah video.

Untuk desain baru dan berani yang diusung BlackBerry ini bekerja sama dengan Porsche, yang diperkirakan akan dijua

// Grand Theft Auto III Hadir di iPad 2 dan iPhone 4S
// October 28, 2011 at 10:48 AM

Setelah beberapa tahun berjaya, Grand Auto Theft akhirnya muncul di iPad 2 dan iPhone 4S. Langkah untuk membawa Grand Auto Theft ke perangkat iOS dan Android merupakan salah satu cara untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke 10 daro GTA sendiri. RockStarGames memilih iPad 2 dan iPhone 4S dikarenakan dalam jajaran produk Apple, keduanya telah memiliki prosesor dual-core A5 yang bisa mendukung grafis di

// Nokia Pulse Beta Hadir di Windows Phone MarketPlace, Siap Unduh
// October 28, 2011 at 10:31 AM

Aplikasi Nokia, Pulse Beta, dikabarkan telah berada di Windows Phone Marketplace. Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk memudahkan kita mendapatkan update mengenai keluarga dan teman setelah melakukan registrasi melalui layanan Nokia. Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga menyajikan push notification dan tampilan web sehingga kita tetap bisa mengetahui apa saja yang terjadi di lingk

// Demo Jam Tangan Android I'm Watch
// October 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM

Tak hanya merambah ponsel dan tablet, kini Android pun mulai hadir ke berbagai perangkat gadget lainnya, salah satunya yaitu jam tangan. Salah satu jam tangan digital yang telah merasakan sistem Android yang sedang menjamur ini adalah i'm Watch buatan Blue Sky, sebuah jam tangan digital dengan sistem operasi Android di dalamnya.

// Penampilan Perdana dari Motorola Droid 4
// October 28, 2011 at 9:51 AM

Sudah hampir sebulan sejak kita melihat tanda pertama dari generasi terbaru dari Motorola Droid. Motorola Droid 4 yang diduga akan di menggunakan kode nama Maserati hadir dalam beberapa foto yang merupakan penampilan perdananya. Dari petunjuk dan foto-foto yang kami dapatkan terlihat generasi terbaru dari Motorola Droid sedang dalam pengembangan, tetapi pada bocoran kali ini tidak didapatkan

// Facebook akan Bangun Data Center di Dekat Lingkaran Kutub Utara
// October 27, 2011 at 11:02 PM

Facebook dikabarkan berencana membangun pusat data yang berjarak sekitar 62 mil dari lingkaran kutub Artik, tepatnya di daerah Lulea, Swedia bagian utara. Facebook membangun ladang server di tempat tersebut dengan alasan untuk menghemat biaya pendinginan server yang merupakan salah satu komponen biaya yang besar.

Dengan lokasi di daerah dingin, pendinginan cukup dilakukan dengan udar

// Toshiba Perkenalkan Monitor untuk Laptop dengan Daya USB
// October 27, 2011 at 10:48 PM

Toshiba baru saja meluncurkan monitor yang ditenagai melalui port USB. Monitor ini ditujukan sebagai monitor kedua untuk laptop yang memungkinkan pemakainya berbagi layar untuk dua kegiatan komputasi yang berbeda.

Monitor ini berukuran 14 inci dengan resolusi maksimum 1366×768 piksel. Daya monitor ini diambil lewat colokan USB 2.0. Namun sayangnya monitor ini memiliki kelemahan

// LG Prada K2 Kembali Menampakkan Diri, Android Dual-Core yang Mirip N9?
// October 27, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Beberapa bocoran gambar dari penerus LG Prada kembali beredar. Namun berbeda dari generasi pertama, LG Prada K2 ini akan menggunakan sistem operasi baru yaitu Android.

LG Prada K2 yang merupakan seri ketiga dari jajaran handset LG Prada ini pertama kali disebut KE850 yang diluncurkan di tahun 2007. Seri kedua disebut KF900 yang membawa papan ketik QWERTY muncul di tahun 2008. Prada K

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10/29 Android Phone Fans

// Apps of the Day – Halloween Edition: Widgets, Wallpapers, Games and More
// October 29, 2011 at 9:36 AM

We are back with today's round of the best, fun-filled, and extraordinary apps the Android Market has to offer. Halloween is only a few days away and keeping with that holiday spirit, I thought it only appropriate to feature the most goulish, creepy and gory Halloween themed apps from the Market. Let's have at it!

Halloween Clock - This clock widget comes to you from the makers of Kinectic Clock and features a festive Halloween theme complete with a little witch Andy, brewing away in his cauldron. The widget was actually rendered using 3D graphics and features an insane amount of detail. Not only that, it's highly customizable too! Halloween Clock features:
-Four different skins to choose from (wood, wrought iron, stone, and brick).
-Each skin switches to day and night versions on its own (or choose any skin you'd like to remain static).
-Moon and sun rise and set as the day goes on (or choose your favorite position to remain static).
-Space for two customizable launchers. App icons look like they're nestled right in the grass!
-12 and 24 hour modes.
[Market Link]

Haunted House HD - I've come across my share of amazing live wallpapers in my day and let me tell you -- none of the come as close to the amount of interaction and fun as this spooky 3D wallpaper from the creators of My Beach and Season Zen. The wallpaper allows you to travel around the outside of a haunted house, tiptoeing by candle-lit pumpkins and mailbox that can be customized with your name. Feeling brave? You can even travel inside the haunted house and have a look at the paranormal activity that lies within.
Haunted House HD features the ability to customize every part of the scene, choose your style of pumpkins and hide or show the items in the scene to decorate your haunted house for Halloween. Amazing fun and from a live wallpaper no less.
[Market Link]

Swiftkey X (with Pumpkin Theme) - SwiftKey X is my personal keyboard of choice (at the moment) and in celebration of Halloween, they saw it fit to introduce a brand new "Pumpkin Theme" in addition to their already available ones. SwiftKey X is based on the new version of TouchType's advanced Fluency language inference engine... simply meaning -- it can almost predict what you're going to say before you say it.
You can fine tune SwiftKey X with typing styles to match the way you use your phone. Whether you rely heavily on prediction or if you prefer to write your words out in full rapidly making typos and errors, SwiftKey will keep everything in order. If you haven't yet, now would be a great time to check it out.
[Market Link]

SpecTrek Light - SpecTrek is one of those oldie but goodies. I've been having fun with this app since back in the G1 days and not much has changed. Not much has to. The name of the game is ghost hunting and you must run around your immediate vicinity, hunting down ghosts using radar. One you're in range, hold up your phone to switch to augmented reality mode and catch ghosts ala Fatal Frame. Tons of fun to be had especially when navigating around your neighborhood trick or treating.
[Market Link]

Contract Killer: Zombies (NR) - While not really "Halloween themed" (zombie killing is fun any time of the year) Contract Killer recently release a zombie version of their popular FPS game. How do you play? Well, it's simple. Gun down anything that groans, "Braaaaaaains." Just make sure you don't get too trigger happy as you have to rescue innocent civilians from the zombie-infested environments.
[Market Link]

Sliceween - This is a fun physics game where you have one simple goal: Get the bat. Into the house. Sounds easy enough... Or is it? You'll have to slice your way to victory using bars, bricks, spiders, teleporters and more. Featuring 4 different worlds for a total of 80 levels. I know it all sounds a bit weird but try it out. Sliceween is sure to get you into that Halloween spirit.
[Market Link]
Well, that pretty much covers it for our special Halloween edition of "Apps of the Day." Have any scary apps you would like to recommend? Just sound 'em off in the comments! We'll do our best to feature them come Monday, for one final round of Halloween themed apps. I hope you guys have a great weekend of partying and please, make it home safe.

// Sony Ericsson Announces Android 2.3.4 Rollout For All Countries – Adds Bonus Features
// October 29, 2011 at 7:19 AM

Back in September, Sony Ericsson announced that they would being rolling out the Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread update to their devices, unfortunately for us here in the states (and other parts of the world), it was only for Nordic countries. Thankfully, today, SE announced that the 2.3.4 update has begun rolling out for the rest of the world but with a few added changes. Highlights of the update include:

Google Talk with Video Chat for smartphones with front-facing cameras
Updated Facebook inside Xperia™ functionality for enhanced like, share and discover abilities.
Xperia™ smartphones introducing world’s first 3D Sweep Panorama functionality powered by Sony.
16x video zoom
The software upgrade will enable consumers to turn their Xperia™ smartphone into a mini-mobile PC by connecting USB peripherals (mouse, keyboard or game controller) to Sony Ericsson LiveDock™ multimedia station. Connect the smartphone to a TV via HDMI to get a big screen experience.
Gesture input - text input by swiping the finger from one letter to the next
Screen capture - allows the user to share a screen grab from anywhere in the phone.

Sony Ericsson devices that can look forward to the update are just about their entire lineup and include the Xperia Arc, Play, Neo, Mini, Mini Pro, Pro, Ray, Active, Neo V, Arc S and the Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman. For a video walkthrough of the new features (you have to see “USB on the go”) check out the video below.

Sony Ericsson (soon to be just “Sony”) has quickly proven to be one of the better Android OEM's, offering continuous support in regards to updates and with their work in the developer community. Now all that's left is for SE to deliver some shiny dual-core devices to the US and they'll be golden.
Thanks, Vlad!
[Via SEBlog]

// Deal Alert: Best Buy Offering 32GB HP TouchPads For $150 – But There's A Catch
// October 29, 2011 at 6:14 AM

Well, color my goose and slap me silly! Looks like there was still a few more HP TouchPads stashed somewhere after their big fire sale to go around. As it turns out, Best Buy will begin selling the 32GB version of the Android-hackable TouchPads for $150 but this time under one condition -- customers looking to take advantage of the deal must buy an HP computer to go along with it. Those shysters.
The deal kicks off on November 1st and you best believe Best Buy will be advertising the deal across all the usual channels like the front page of their Sunday ads. Oh- if you're feeling a bit wary about purchasing an HP computer after you know -� the whole talk of them pulling out of the PC market, word on the street is HP may have changed their minds. Nice to know your computer will at least offer some level of support. HP TouchPads on the other hand… well, you're just going to throw CM7 on there anyway.
[Via TechCrunch]

// HTC Rezound Stops By The FCC Again – Adds Wireless Charging To Features
// October 29, 2011 at 4:19 AM

The HTC Rezound aka Vigor has been going through some changes. Faced with a jampacked holiday season on Verizon the device appears to be… evolving. The Rezound made its way back to through the FCC again (first time was back in September) and according to the FCC change letter, the device has added an all new “wireless charging back cover.” Welcome to the 21st century, folks.
November will be loaded with Android heavy hitters going head-to-head thanks to the Motorola RAZR and Samsung Galaxy Nexus rumored to drop all within weeks of one another. Glad to see HTC is taking this fight seriously. What do you guys think? Will wireless charging be enough to pull this superphone ahead of the pack?
[FCC Via WirelessGoodness]

// HTC Releases Gingerbread Kernel Source For the Thunderbolt – Let The ROMs Begin
// October 29, 2011 at 3:28 AM

Well, lookie here. Seems HTC has just released the Gingerbread kernel source for the my one of my old time favorites -- the HTC Thunderbolt While this may not mean much to the average user, this comes as great news for flashing addicts and ROM developers as they can now start cooking up some wild and crazy custom Gingerbread ROMs for the device. Game on.
The�2.6.35 kernel source is available via HTCdev and you can find the source link below. Viva la Thunderbolt!
Thanks, Jordan!
[Via HTCdev]

// Nook Color 2 Reportedly Being Shipped To Barnes & Noble Stores – Arrives Nov 7th
// October 29, 2011 at 2:54 AM

According to The Digital Reader, Barnes & Noble will begin shipping out its all new and improved Nook Color 2 to stores on November 7th. Apparently, B&N will be sprucing up their in-store Nook kiosk to something that resembles more of an actual department, complete with LED TV's and registers for checking out customers on the spot.
Still left up in the air are specs and pricing. Heck, this may no longer even be an Android device but given the success B&N had with Android on the previous model and versatility of the OS, I don't see them moving on to anything else.
B&N has also been kicking up development for the e-reader/tablet, most likely in anticipation of this new model. Let's see if they are able to pack enough punch in this thing to compete with Amazon's already hugely successful Kindle Fire. Gotta love competition.
[DigitalReader via Gizmodo]

// LG Revolution Gingerbread Over-The-Air Update Rolling Out Today
// October 29, 2011 at 2:35 AM

Looks like the LG Revolution will be seeing a over-the-air software update rolling out sometime today. The 87.8MB update�will bring the device up to software version VS910ZV7 and brings all the goodies that come along with having a Gingerbread device like improved copy/paste and all around smoother UI. The update also brings with it the usual bug fixes, adding a little more overall stability to the phone.
The roll-outs like these usually happen by region and if you don't feel like waiting for Verizon to prompt you, it's usually possible to pull the update yourself by jumping into your Settings and going and manually checking for a software update. Any Revolution users out there have any luck?
[Via VerizonWireless]

// Gamestop Begins Selling Tablets In-Store and Online Starting Today
// October 29, 2011 at 1:46 AM

Looks like Gamestop is ready to jump on the tablet craze (if there is one) with the addition of a few tablets making their way to the video game retailer starting today.� Gamestop will be selling the Acer Iconia Tab A100, Asus Eee Pad Transformer and the Samsung Galaxy Tab in 200 of their stores as part of a test program. Each of the tabs will have access to Kongregate's Arcade app store including 7 free games including Dead Space, Madden and Sonic CD. If the test program goes well, Gamestop will ship out more tabs to stores in 2012.
Prices for these tablets are near identical as you would find at any other retailers with the Iconia Tab 8GB being offered for $330, Transformer for $400 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 coming in at $500. Gamestop loves their bundles and the tabs will be offering their own with accessories like a Bluetooth gamepad for some serious tablet gaming.
What do you guys think? Could these tablets be a hit for the holiday season?
[Gamestop via Electronista]

// Samsung Italy Confirms Ice Cream Sandwich for Note, S II and Tab in 2012
// October 29, 2011 at 1:31 AM

It's been on many of our reader's minds and it looks like Samsung Italy is confirming which of their devices will see an Android 4.0 update in 2012. Here's the full list as it stands:

Galaxy SII
Galaxy Note
Galaxy Tab 10.1
Galaxy Tab 8.9
Galaxy Tab 7.7
Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

Looks like Samsung is looking to turn around their reputation of providing poor software support on some of their "older" devices. Oh - and just because your Samsung device didn't make this list, doesn't mean there's no hope. This is just a confirmed list of devices, per Samsung. But, it's very likely Android 4.0 could be the final update for these devices as OEM's don't usually update more than once and rarely (if ever?) more than twice. In other words, don't go complaining if these devices don't see the rumored Jelly Bean update -- ya heard?
[Via AndroidHD]

// Google TV Honeycomb Update Ready for Primetime, Coming to Current Hardware Next Week
// October 28, 2011 at 10:12 PM

Via the Google TV blog, the Android 3.0 update for Google's smart TV platform is ready to go. The new release features improvements in four key areas, everything from a simplified and easy-to-use user interface to the inclusion of the Android Market for access to more apps than ever. Other tent-pole elements of the new software include a new "TV & Movies" app for browsing shows and movies from your channel lineup, Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, and more. Speaking of YouTube, video streaming is better than ever with an enhanced Google TV experience and deeper integration.

The update will be available first to Sony Google TV products starting early next week. Logitech devices will receive the update shortly after. This may explain the sticker found on the Revue's packaging as of yesterday, though it is still unclear if hardware is shipping with the new update out-of-the-box.

[via Google]

// No Ice Cream Sandwich for LG Optimus 2X?
// October 28, 2011 at 9:40 PM

Will the LG Optimus 2X receive Ice Cream Sandwich? That's the question on the mind of every owner of that phone and T-Mobile's G2X variant. One user posted the question to LG's Facebook page and got a not so positive response. However, since the story started gaining traction around the blogosphere it appears LG has reneged on the statement (or at lease deleted the initial comment).

While it's really too early to be reporting on official and unofficial update roadmaps for ICS (the source code hasn't even been released to most manufacturers yet), we are trying to clear up information on this story. We have lines out to our people at LG and will hopefully have clarification on the matter shortly.
[via Android and Me]

// As Smartphone Sales Grow, Samsung Surpasses Apple as Top Dog Manufacturer
// October 28, 2011 at 8:28 PM

As Samsung reported their third quarter earnings, one thing was apparent: smartphone sales are on the rise. So much so, that analysts are now handing Samsung the rank of top dog in the global smartphone market. While Samsung didn't give the entire picture, analyst Jae Lee of Daiwa Securities estimated the company to have sold 28 million smartphones. This equates to over 10 million handsets more than Apple at 17 million.
But a few caveats need be applied before popping the champagne cork. Apple had been narrowly winning as of the second quarter with sales of 20 million iPhones. The number dropped off as consumers opted to wait for the announcement of a new model rather than buy the current generation. Apple also generated all of their sales with one device, which is impressive considering Samsung's total accounts for dozens of smartphone models. But Samsung's spike in sales is also a testament to the company's innovative and desirable products, particularly the Galaxy S II which has been coming to more and more markets.
With the announcement of the iPhone 4S we get the feeling Q4 will see the tides turn in Apple's favor once again, but for now Samsung sits atop the mountain. We imagine the legal department over at Apple headquarters will be working overtime in an effort to slow sales of Samsung devices.
[via The Guardian]

// Motorola XOOM 2 Appears in Verizon's Computer System
// October 28, 2011 at 7:59 PM

Verizon and Motorola have yet to make any official statements about a so-called Motorola XOOM 2, but it sure looks like we could be hearing about the new tablet soon. Actually, we should be hearing about two new XOOM models. Both a Motorola MZ609 and Motorola MZ617 have made an appearance in VZW's computer system, the latter of which sporting 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB model designations. This version of the XOOM 2 looks to be the replacement for the original 10.1-inch slate, while the MZ609 will be a smaller "media edition" device featuring either 16GB or 32GB of storage. Both are listed as having 4G connectivity out of the box.
Of course, these are all version that will tied directly to Verizon's network. We still haven't heard much in the way of WiFi-only editions, though it seems likely based on past releases.
[via DroidLife]

// Samsung Announces Nov. 3 Launch of Galaxy Note in the UK
// October 28, 2011 at 7:12 PM

Yesterday we learned that Samsung has already begun shipping their behemoth Galaxy Note in some European regions, and it has now been revealed exactly when folks in the UK can get their hands on the device. The handset, which is about as big as the above pictured woman's head, will be available for purchase on November 3rd.
The date comes as part of an announcement highlighting a new series of apps for the Galaxy Note's S Pen. These so-called 'S Choice' apps are designed with core features that utilize the Note's included stylus.
[via EuroDroid]

// Android Overload: Motorola's Q3 Earnings Up 20%, Samsung Appeals Australian Injunction and More
// October 28, 2011 at 2:59 PM

Why, hello there! We get so many stories piling up on our to-do list from throughout the day that it’s hard to get to them all. Since they don't all get featured on our front page, we dump them up here, in the Android Overload. These are the stories we felt deserved a final once-over before slipping into the abyss of the world wide web. So have a look around and if something tickles your fancy, leave your thoughts in the comments.

Ghost Radar reviews in the Amazon AppStore are hi-larious. Thanks, Jones! [Amazon]
Motorola's Q3 earnings are up 20% from last year. Still a loss in operating costs. [VentureBeat]
From the makers of Gorilla Glass comes the all new Lotus Glass. [AndroidPolice]
Samsung appeals Australian Galaxy Tab 10.1 injunction. [BGR]
i'mWatch gets some hands on time. Not as cool as original renders. [PocketNow]
Lightsquared develops new antenna to squash GPS concerns. [BGR]
Dolphin Browser HD allegedly uploads user URL visits to server. Fix coming soon. [AndroidPolice]
LG Revolution could see Gingerbread update tomorrow. [LGForums]

// Samsung Galaxy Note Begins Shipping To Europe In Spite Of Apple
// October 28, 2011 at 1:35 PM

Samsung has reportedly begun shipping out its 5.3-inch behemoth, the Galaxy Note, to Europe. In a move that is sure to get Apple's blood boiling, the phoneblet will be arriving in Germany first. Samsung is currently appealing a temporary ban of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany. Apple has yet to mention the Galaxy Note in their legal battles against Samsung but I'm sure all that will change once the Note arrives on the scene.

The Galaxy Note features a 720p display, 1.4GHz processor, 8MP rear/2MP front facing cameras and running on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Its claim to fame is its larger than life size and the inclusion of a capacitive stylus optimized for a handful of included apps. Let's hope this arrives in the US sooner than later.

[Samsung via Electronista]

// Android Fragmentation Put On Display For All To See – Shows Embarassing History Of Support
// October 28, 2011 at 12:12 PM

An image displaying Android's fragmented “orphans” is making its way around the web today. The graph tracks Android smartphones that today, are still “under contract” but got left behind in the dust when it came to updates (firmware update or maintenance). The chart was made after news that Nexus One owners would not be seeing an OS update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Here are some of the cold hard facts:

7 of the 18 Android phones never ran a current version of the OS.
12 of 18 only ran a current version of the OS for a matter of weeks or less.
10 of 18 were at least two major versions behind well within their two year contract period.
11 of 18 stopped getting any support updates less than a year after release.
13 of 18 stopped getting any support updates before they even stopped selling the device or very shortly thereafter.
15 of 18 don’t run Gingerbread, which shipped in December 2010.
In a few weeks, when Ice Cream Sandwich comes out, every device on here will be another major version behind.
At least 16 of 18 will almost certainly never get Ice Cream Sandwich.

According to the graph, the results are (supposedly) embarrassing to Android users and display the sad, cruel reality of how fragmentation continues to hurt consumers -- especially Android consumers. Why is this being pointed out? Apparently, consumers are being screwed when they buy an Android device, app developers end up targeting older versions of Android in order to maximize market reach and security risks are sometimes never addressed from a manufacturer on older devices.
The solution? Well, it's simple. Stop buying cheap, low-end Android devices that can barely run the outdated OS they're being shipped with. If you buy a used G1, you really expect HTC to update it to Ice Cream Sandwich after 3 years? As consumers we have a voice and we let our wallets do the talking. Support the manufacturers that regularly update their devices and if you're phone is nearing 2-years old, well -- it might be time to upgrade. The mobile world moves quick. Technology moves fast. Google moves even faster. Remember, it's not by any fault of Google's nor their job to update your device to the latest firmware. It's the manufacturer's.
That is unless you buy a Nexus device.
[TheUnderstatement via Gizmodo]

// New HTC Vulnerability Found – 4G WiMax Left Wide Open For Malware
// October 28, 2011 at 10:36 AM

A new vulnerability was found in HTC devices -- this time, specifically involving HTC handsets equipped with WiMax radios and running on Sprint's 4G network. Developer TrevE discovered the vulnerability on the 20th and thanks to an agreement he made with HTC, didn't make the exploit public for a total of 5 days, giving the "Quietly Brilliant" manufacturer time to come up with a fix.
The vulnerability allows for a potentially malicious app to jump onto your WiMax/4G connection and obtain network information or even botch your 4G connection altogether. TrevE even came up with a quick patch as well as a proof of concept app, showing how easy it could be for a would-be hacker to mess with your life. A video of the PoC app in action is provided below.

And now we play the waiting game. HTC recently plugged up one hole in their OTA update that rolled out for all HTC devices on Sprint only a few days ago and now it looks like they're getting ready to do it all over again. With the ever increasing threat of Android malware on the horizon its nice to know we have a great Android developer community who is on top of issues like this (and keeping OEM's in check). Thanks, TrevE!
[XDA and InfectedROM]

// Samsung Q3 Profits Are Down – Smartphone Business Still Booming
// October 28, 2011 at 9:56 AM

Samsung's Q3 profits aren't doing so hot. The South Korean manufacturer reported a 13 percent drop in their fall quarterly profits. The fall was lessened thanks to their smartphone division which saw profits double from a year ago to a record high of $2.3 billion, 60 percent of Samsung's total profit. Samsung still hangs on to the No.2 spot for largest handset manufacturer just under Nokia.
It's Samsung's bread-and-butter chip business that is really hurting the company. Chip profits dropped to 1.59 trillion won, half of what they were last year. Oh - and don't forget Samsung' display busniess which also posted losses for a third consecutive quarter. Seems nobody is buying those super slim (and pricey) LED TV's.
This should give Samsung a good idea of where to invest their won ("moar Android phonez") and where consumers are spending their hard earned money. Even in a tough economy, consumers seem to hold more value to smartphones, which are essentially entertainment Swiss Army knives (games, video, music, web) dishing out more bang for the buck.
[Via Reuters]

// $35 Aakash Android Tablet Gets Handled On Camera
// October 28, 2011 at 8:52 AM

Amazon's Kindle Fire made big headlines not so much because of the features or specs it housed but more because of its lower-than-expected $200 price tag. If you thought that was cheap wait until you see the $35 Aakash Android tablet launching next month in India. The tablet was developed as a low-cost, government subsidized computing device for students.

The boys over at VentureBeat were able to get some hands-on with the device and surprisingly, had mostly good things to say about the tab. Even if you take the government subsidy out of the equation, the 7-inch Aakash tablet still comes out to a very affordable $60.

Despite the Aaskash tablet's obvious shortcomings, there is no better example of Android's openness and versatility than this device here. I mean, there's no way the Indian government would be able to drop the price of iPads to $35 for their students. What do you guys think? For $60 -- would or would not?
[VentureBeat via Engadget]

// Sonalight Text By Voice – Completely Hands-free Texting While You Drive
// October 28, 2011 at 7:56 AM

I'm just going to lay it out here. Despite my suffering from narcolepsy, I do a lot of driving. And since I'm always running late, I tend to get on the road 1st, before sending texts to friends (while stopped at red lights) that I'm on my way. I've tried using Google's Voice Search actions for composing texts while driving but the amount of attention and physical screen presses required to shoot off a quick text was just too dangerous to use safely.
Thankfully, I came across Sonalight's Text By Voice app in the Market and I have to say -- I am impressed. I know what you're thinking, there are a handful of great voice-to-text apps in the Market, some that even act as personal assistants. But once again, those require too much attention from eyes and fingers to use safely while driving. Text By Voice works a little different.
Once you launch the app, it will run in the background reading incoming SMS messages aloud and listening for the appropriate phrase to compose an SMS. Simply saying, "Text by voice," will launch the app (without ever having to touch the screen) and you follow the spoken voice cues to respond or compose texts. The coolest part is that Text By Voice is always listening. That means even when your phone is sleeping, you can still send out texts without ever having to unlock your phone. Check out the tutorial video provided by the developers to see it in action.

The app, while free, has a pricing model that could turn-off some. You get 20 SMS messages free every month. After that, you can add 50 more for that never expire for $2 using in-app billing. Or you can opt for unlimited messages for 1 month that will run $2. A full year of Text By Voice, that will run you $20. You can try out Sonalight Text By Voice for free right now in the Android Market.
[Market Link]

// Google Maps Expands Street View To Include 360-Degree Business Interiors
// October 28, 2011 at 6:41 AM

As a former process server (think Seth Rogan in Pineapple Express), Google Maps pretty much changed my life. I could leave my house on a job and know that no matter where I end up, I will never be lost. Street View has long been another great feature in Maps allowing you to view businesses, hotels and and stalk Kelly Ferguson's house, all from the comfort of your computer or handy Android phone.
Since the engineers at Google never sleep and are constantly improving on their services, Street View is getting a new addition by way of business interiors, allowing for users to get off the street and inside of businesses. It doesn't end there, Google is also reportedly working with some businesses to add additional content like pictures of food being offered at restaurants.
The way it works is a business must opt-in for interior view by submitting an application to Google and scheduling a day for the photo shoot. Google Places will then show up and snap 360-degree shots of the interior of their store and whammy -- a new virtual tour via Google Maps. Google is apparently adding interior view content from 37 different cities around the world from countries like the US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France and the UK.
If you want to check out interior view in action, click this link to scope out Comics Toons N Toys.
[AtlanticWire via Electronista]

// Apps of the Day: Open Sea and Screencast Video Recorder
// October 28, 2011 at 6:29 AM

Another apps of the day entry for you guys today. While we aren't really dabbling into the halloween-themed apps out there, always feel free to suggest any you've been using or will be using in the coming days. With that said, there are demo versions of each app we feature so give them a try and see if they are worth your money. Go!

Open Sea - Our friends at The Pixelerz have opened our eyes to a new game they're touting. It's a unique game called Open Sea, a beautiful action game that tips its hat to a certain religious story and its associated characters. "Mo" parts the sea to help the folks get across (see where I'm going with this one?). "Jess" helps you walk on water and you are also joined by "Abe," "the Lovers" and "El." Even "Noah's NoNo" is here to help keep some animals afloat. Stay away from this one if you're sensitive about religion, but even with references to Christian stories it's still quite a fun and good looking game. There's a free version with 8 different levels but the paid version gets you 50+ missions with 5 different heroes to use along the way. [Market]

Screencast Video Recorder - As there are few apps of this genre, there can never be enough. The genre I'm speaking of is screen recording software. While a couple of other options exist, Media Solutions is touting smooth framerate and ease of use as reasons why you should pay $5 for their product. The interface looks great and the only negative we can think of is that you need root (but so do other applications that provide this functionality). They have a 24 hour refund policy as they understand 15 minutes is not enough and a demo version will help you see if it works well on your phone. Unfortunately, Tegra 2 devices are not supported here. Find the demo version in the Android market at the link ahead and see if it works before buying it. [Market]

// DROID RAZR Accessory Pricing Revealed
// October 28, 2011 at 4:38 AM

Wondering how much you'll need to spend on the accessories you want for the DROID RAZR alongside the cost for the phone itself? Our friends at Droid-Life have gotten their hands on price sheet for everything you can expect to see flaunting next to one of the thinnest smartphones in America. We've got the Lapdock 100 for $200, the Lapdock 500 for $300 and HDMI docks for $60 and $100. Take a look at the full breakdown in the photo above.

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// Sony PS Vita First Edition Bundle up for pre-order, lets North American buyers snag it one week early
// October 28, 2011 at 12:31 AM

The United States may not be getting the PS Vita at first, but that doesn't mean you can't be the first kid on your block to own one. Sony took to its US PlayStation Blog today, unveiling its First Edition bundle of the portable gaming powerhouse, which is up for pre-order now at "select retailers." US buyers will receive a 3G + WiFi Vita with a limited edition case, a 4GB memory card and a copy of Little Deviants for $350, while Canadian buyers will get the WiFi-only variant for $299 -- better yet, it'll arrive at your doorstep one week prior to the 02/22/2012 release date for North America. Sure, it may not have wishful goodies like pro bono AT&T 3G, but if you've just gotta have it, well, them's the breaks, y'all. You'll find more info at the source link below, or at Amazon where we've already spotted it.Sony PS Vita First Edition Bundle up for pre-order, lets North American buyers snag it one week early originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:31:00 EDT. Please
see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� PlayStation Blog (US) �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Nokia City Scene is Street View for your N9, mostly works in the US where you can't get one
// October 28, 2011 at 12:46 AM

Worried that the lack of Street View functionality is going to spoil your impending N9 honeymoon? Fret not MeeGo fans, as Espoo's Labs outfit is here to save the day with Nokia City Scene. The Navteq-powered app looks much like a clone of Google's mobile offerings, except that it's tightly integrated with location based services (Foursquare, Facebook Places) highlighting venues your friends frequent. Currently restricted to "about a dozen" US cities and London -- with more European locales coming soon -- its usefulness may be limited unless you're a globetrotting jetsetter or super friendly with some gray-market importers. Hop past the break for a video demo, and then hit the source to get your download on.

[Thanks, Martin]Continue reading Nokia City Scene is Street View for your N9, mostly works in the US where you can't get oneNokia City Scene is Street View for your N9, mostly works in the US where you can't get one originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Nokia Beta Labs �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Motorola Atrix 2 review
// October 28, 2011 at 1:00 AM

We've seen a lot of game-changing devices this year, haven't we? 2011 has already witnessed the first Honeycomb tablets, the influx of LTE and the introduction of a boatload of smartphones with dual-core processors. One of those groundbreaking devices was the Motorola Atrix 4G, which we called the best smartphone at CES 2011 because of its powerful Tegra 2 SoC and simply innovative Webtop operating system with an accompanying Lapdock. It was new, and it was powerful.

Not even ten months after the Atrix's February 22nd launch, we're already seeing its successor, aptly named the Atrix 2. At the risk of sounding blunt, it's not a groundbreaking device -- aside from a few bumps in specs, larger display and a fresh redesign, it doesn't offer the same level of showmanship or innovation so eagerly demonstrated in the first iteration. But does the sequel compensate for the lack of sizzle? How much does this improve over the original? Does the newest version of the Lapdock satisfy? We'll answer these questions and so much more after the break.
Gallery: Motorola Atrix 2 galleryContinue reading Motorola Atrix 2 reviewMotorola Atrix 2 review originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// NASA's Mars rover Curiosity gains DAN apparatus, new lust for water
// October 28, 2011 at 1:31 AM

"You can think of DAN as a reconnaissance instrument." That's a quote from Igor Mitrofanov of the Space Research Institute, Russia, who is being deemed the "principal investigator" of the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons. Shortened to DAN for obvious reasons, this guy will soon be affixed to NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, with one primary purpose: to "check for any water that might be bound into shallow underground minerals along the rover's path." In total, ten instruments on Curiosity will be dedicated to investigating whether the area selected for the mission has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for life and favorable for preserving evidence about life. We're told that while in active mode, it's sensitive enough to detect water content as low as one-tenth of one percent in the ground beneath the rover, but there's still no indication of when it'll actually prove that Mars truly is the next major relocation hotspot. Something tells us Richard Branson will be ready,
regardless.NASA's Mars rover Curiosity gains DAN apparatus, new lust for water originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Physorg �|� NASA �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Office of Fair Trading gives thumbs up to Amazon's purchase of The Book Depository
// October 28, 2011 at 1:55 AM

Amazon may have faced stiff opposition to its plans to acquire British online bookseller The Book Depository, but one of those not standing in its path is the Office of Fair Trading. Over protests from the UK Booksellers Association, Publishers Association and Independent Publishers Guild, the OFT approved the purchase, saying that the acquisition would not form a de facto monopoly. While Amazon's market share is "strong" its newest purchase only holds between two- and four-percent -- hardly making it a competitor of the internet giant. The Book Depository will continue to operate as an independent entity for the foreseeable future, but our friends across the pond now have one less option if they choose not to do business with Bezos.Continue reading Office of Fair Trading gives thumbs up to Amazon's purchase of The Book DepositoryOffice of Fair Trading gives thumbs up to Amazon's purchase of The Book Depository originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:55:00 EDT.
Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Paid Content �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Electric DeLorean DMC-12 prototype goes round and round (and round) in test drive video
// October 28, 2011 at 2:18 AM

It's already clear that you're selling everything you own in an effort to purchase a 2013 DeLorean DMC-12 EV (and in turn, apply for a home tax deduction when you begin to live out of it), but what hasn't been clear is exactly how it'd perform on the wide open road. Truthfully, we still aren't entirely certain of that, but thanks to a raucous new video of a prototype on the track, we do know that it looks like the most (PG) fun you can have while sitting atop four wheels. We aren't going to hold you here any longer -- hop on past the break and mash play. 60mph in 4.9. 88mph in however long you want.Continue reading Electric DeLorean DMC-12 prototype goes round and round (and round) in test drive videoElectric DeLorean DMC-12 prototype goes round and round (and round) in test drive video originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 15:18:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Autoblog Green �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Samsung makes Galaxy Nexus release date official, available in the UK on November 17th
// October 28, 2011 at 2:38 AM

October's dizzying spate of high-end smartphone announcements gave us plenty of pizzazz, but not much in the way of release date meat. Well, that's about to change for those of you craving an Ice Cream Sandwich delight across the pond. Leaked out via an Amazon product page and officially confirmed by Samsung today, the Galaxy Nexus is slated to arrive on UK retailers' shelves this coming November 17th. If you've had your eye on this Android 4.0 flagship, you can always sign-up for a subsidized handset on Vodafone, O2 and 3UK -- its intended HSPA+ carrier homes. Or, if you like your Google experiences pure and contract free, hit up the source below to pre-order it with no strings attached.

[Thanks, Pedro and Nathan]Samsung makes Galaxy Nexus release date official, available in the UK on November 17th originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 15:38:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Amazon UK �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Google+ learns about trending topics, photo filters and how to appease Google Apps users
// October 28, 2011 at 3:01 AM

Still having a blast adding people into circles? Well hold on tight, because Mountain View just introduced some worthy upgrades to its social network. First up is a new feature dubbed "What's Hot" which, much like trending topics on Twitter, highlights popular content being shared on the social network. Photography aficionados in the audience can gussy up snaps with more photo editing features dubbed "Creative Kit", including a multitude of filters -- some of which (for a limited time) pertain to Halloween. And finally, those of you who use Google Apps within an organization can now partake in all the Google+ fun -- provided your IT admin isn't a social networking-hating luddite. Links explaining all that and more await you below, but before you go, why not hop past the break for some vampiric renditions of Larry and Sergey, and a few other celebs.

[Thanks, Rich]Continue reading Google+ learns about trending topics, photo filters and how to appease Google Apps usersGoogle+ learns about trending topics, photo filters and how to appease Google Apps users originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Official Google Blog (1), (2) �|�Email this�|�Comments

// HP will keep PC division, hope alive
// October 28, 2011 at 3:07 AM

There's been plenty of speculation about what the future holds for HP and its Personal Systems Group -- a group that CEO Leo Apotheker seemed intent to shed -- but the crew now led by CEO Meg Whitman has just confirmed that division is staying home, where it belongs. Meg says the company "objectively evaluated" the idea of spinning PSG off but decided that keeping it in-house is "right for customers and partners, right for shareholders, and right for employees." Or, maybe her reserve wasn't met. Either way, the press release after the break goes on to confirm that the board believes PSG will continue to "drive profitable growth" in these challenging times. Maybe good 'ol Leo was right when he said "You still need larger machines to handle heavy-duty tasks." Heavy indeed.

Update: Oh, and in case you had any doubts, HP is actually going to use Windows 8 (when available) to make its tablets appealing. And now you know.Continue reading HP will keep PC division, hope aliveHP will keep PC division, hope alive originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:07:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Motorola Mobility reports $3.3 billion in revenue and $32 million net loss, offers more details on Google buyout
// October 28, 2011 at 3:32 AM

Just in time for the company to be acquired by Google, Motorola Mobility is beginning to right the ship, as evidenced by today's quarterly earnings report. The company reported total net revenues of $3.3 billion -- precisely the same amount earned last quarter, incidentally, and up 11 percent from this time last year -- and a GAAP net loss of $32 million. While the number may put frowns on a few faces, it's still an improvement from Q2's loss of $56 million, and more than half ($18 million) of the losses were attributed to expenses from the Google acquisition. Mobile device revenues are up 20 percent year-over-year and 11.6 million devices were shipped, including 4.8 million smartphones and 100,000 Xoom tablets.

On the regulatory front, Moto offered a few new details about the progress of the company's acquisition. It announced that it will hold a meeting with stockholders on November 17 to gain approval of the Google merger, and -- pending antitrust clearance by the US Department of Justice, the EU and several other government entities -- expects to close the transaction by the end of this year or early 2012 at the latest. Check out all of the numbers after the break.Continue reading Motorola Mobility reports $3.3 billion in revenue and $32 million net loss, offers more details on Google buyoutMotorola Mobility reports $3.3 billion in revenue and $32 million net loss, offers more details on Google buyout originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Motorola �|�Email this�|�Comments

// The Engadget Podcast, live at 5:00PM ET!
// October 28, 2011 at 3:41 AM

Tim and Brian have escaped another Engadget Show mostly unscathed, and now it's time to get back to the wild, unpredictable world of audio podcasting. This time out, they'll be joined by Myriam, direct from Nokia World. Bet you can't guess what they'll be talking about.Continue reading The Engadget Podcast, live at 5:00PM ET!The Engadget Podcast, live at 5:00PM ET! originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// University of Minnesota researchers flex the mind's muscle, steer CG choppers
// October 28, 2011 at 3:59 AM

You've undoubtedly been told countless times by cheerleading elders that anything's possible if you put your mind to it. Turns out, those sagacious folks were spot on, although we're pretty sure this pioneering research isn't what they'd intended. A trio of biomedical engineers at the University of Minnesota have taken the realm of brain-computer interfaces a huge leap forward with a non-invasive control system -- so, no messy drills boring into skulls here. The group's innovative BCI meshes man's mental might with silicon whizzery to read and interpret sensorimotor rhythms (brain waves associated with motor control) via an electroencephalography measuring cap. By mapping these SMRs to a virtual helicopter's forward-backward and left to right movements, subjects were able to achieve "fast, accurate and continuous" three-dimensional control of the CG aircraft. The so scifi-it-borders-on-psychic tech could one day help amputees control synthetic limbs, or less nobly, helps us mentally
manipulate 3D avatars. So, the future of gaming and locomotion looks to be secure, but we all know where this should really be headed -- defense tactics for the Robot Apocalypse.University of Minnesota researchers flex the mind's muscle, steer CG choppers originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Medical Xpress �|� PLoS One �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Redbox's $1 per night DVD rentals jump to $1.20 October 31st, Blu-ray and games stay the same
// October 28, 2011 at 4:21 AM

While its movie rental rivals Netflix and Blockbuster have struggled for varying reasons recently, it seemed like Redbox could be just the ticket for thrifty renters. That may be tougher now that it has announced Monday we'll see a slight increase in pricing for DVD rentals, from $1 to $1.20, citing increased debit card fees. So far, nightly pricing for Blu-ray discs ($1.50) and videogames ($2) is staying the same, but with studios already pushing for longer rental delays, there's fewer safe ports or those pursuing cheap, current movies. On the conference call, executives floated the idea of using the first sale doctrine to buy and rent retail discs if necessary. Overall, as seen above Redbox's share of the disc rental market rose last quarter, while there's still no word on plans to jump into online streaming.

Check below for parent company Coinstar's full Q3 earnings report plus a FAQ that helpfully points out this is Redbox's first increase in eight years and that discs reserved online will still be just $1 for the first night through November. The actual email customers are receiving is included after the break.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Continue reading Redbox's $1 per night DVD rentals jump to $1.20 October 31st, Blu-ray and games stay the sameRedbox's $1 per night DVD rentals jump to $1.20 October 31st, Blu-ray and games stay the same originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Redbox FAQ, Coinstar Q3 earnings �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Boxee updates iPad app to version 1.2, adds global Spotify support
// October 28, 2011 at 4:31 AM

It's only been a couple of months since Boxee unleashed its much anticipated iPad app, but the company has already come out with that much needed update to version 1.2. With the upgrade, users will be able to navigate across content sent to their Boxee Boxes using a remote control interface that's now located at the bottom right corner of the app. iPad owners can also pause video sent to their Box and pick up later where they left off, using the Boxee Media Manager. And, as expected, AirPlay sessions can now run in the background, giving you one less thing to worry about while lazing on the couch. On a related note, Spotify users can now use Boxee to access their accounts from anywhere in the world (previously, access was only granted in countries where Spotify is available). To get your app up to speed, check out the coverage link, below.Boxee updates iPad app to version 1.2, adds global Spotify support originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:00 EDT. Please see
our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Boxee �|�Email this�|�Comments

// AMD reports $1.69 billion in revenue for Q3, net income of $97 million
// October 28, 2011 at 4:39 AM

Things were starting to look pretty bleak in Q2 for AMD, but Q3 is an entirely different story. The company reported a revenue of $1.69 billion, up 7-percent from last quarter. More importantly, net income climbed to $97 million, up from just $61 million in Q2 and a far cry from the $118 million loss posted this time last year. Even the graphics division had good news to share. After the former ATI ran at an operating loss of $7 million last quarter, it netted $12 million in operating income in Q2. We wouldn't exactly call this the second coming of the CPU underdog, but it certainly should make fans and investors sleep a little better at night. Check out the complete PR after the break.Continue reading AMD reports $1.69 billion in revenue for Q3, net income of $97 millionAMD reports $1.69 billion in revenue for Q3, net income of $97 million originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Self-moving robot leads automatons in impending robot apocalypse (video)
// October 28, 2011 at 5:06 AM

Just in time for All Hallow's Eve shenanigans, scientists at MIT's DARPA and Boeing funded Chembots program have just introduced an uber creepy self-propelling robot quite capable of leading the robot apocalypse single-handedly. The automaton moves with the help of a pneumatic battery -- a power source that utilizes a hydrogen peroxide catalyst to inflate a soft silicone pod, in turn forcing the bot forward. With electropermanent magnets to regulate built-in valves, all it takes is a small current to activate the bot, which can regulate just how much H202 it will employ for a completely solo and super creepy zombie-like C-walk. Jump past the break to check out the video... if you dare.Continue reading Self-moving robot leads automatons in impending robot apocalypse (video)Self-moving robot leads automatons in impending robot apocalypse (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 18:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Ieee Spectrum �|� MIT
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// HP to announce ARM-based servers next month, throw Intel a curveball
// October 28, 2011 at 5:31 AM

Sources close to Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal say that HP is primed to help ARM wrestle its way into the server game next month, citing unannounced plans that may challenge Intel's corner on the market. HP is said to be working with Calxeda, an outfit with dreams of outclassing today's servers by selling OEMs an ARM-based system on a chip that can be used to build high performance racks with low energy footprints. ARM, HP and Calxeda all declined to comment, although a spokesperson for Calxeda mentioned that it has a product release event scheduled for November 1st. Intel doesn't seem too concerned, and told the Wall Street Journal that ARM architecture still had a few hurdles to jump before it was ready for the server game. "We believe the best-performing platform will win." Spoken like a true sportsman, Intel. Game on.HP to announce ARM-based servers next month, throw Intel a curveball originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 18:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms
for use of feeds.Permalink�linuxfordevices �|� Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal �|�Email this�|�Comments

// FCC's 'Connect America Fund' redirects phone fees to provide rural broadband
// October 28, 2011 at 5:57 AM

The Federal Communications Commission has just unveiled a new plan that'll overhaul an $8 billion fund that's currently used to "subsidize phone service in rural areas and for the poor," pointing that money towards buildouts in the ambitious rural broadband initiative. Most critics suggest that the existing fee model is severely outdated, and in fact, encourages "perverse schemes by carriers to stimulate certain kinds of phone traffic." Not surprisingly, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has said that he "doesn't expect" phone rates to increase for most consumers, and the agency's currently estimating a $2.2 billion savings from fees that are currently paid out to phone companies. Politics aside, the goal here is to provide broadband access (however that's defined) to every American by the end of the decade, with Genachowski quipping: "We are taking a system designed for the Alexander Graham Bell era of rotary telephones and modernizing it for the era of Steve Jobs and the internet
future he imagined." Pretty sure more than just Jobs had visions of a connected future, but we're following the logic, Jules.Continue reading FCC's 'Connect America Fund' redirects phone fees to provide rural broadbandFCC's 'Connect America Fund' redirects phone fees to provide rural broadband originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 18:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� FCC �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Nokia N8 clicks its heels three times, finds a Symbian Anna service pack update
// October 28, 2011 at 6:35 AM

What's a megabyte and is heading to the Nokia N8? Surprisingly, it's a service pack update for Symbian Anna. It's not too often wonderful things come in small packages, but we appreciate the fast download so we can move on with our daily grind pretty fast. Among the entries in the update's change log are performance and usability enhancements, faster email and messaging, better GPS locks and plenty more. It only appears to be finding its way to the N8 for now, though we imagine it won't be too long before it makes cameo appearances on the other Anna devices. If you want to get cracking on the service pack, it's available over the air and through the Nokia Suite. Now, if only Belle would come knocking on the door...Nokia N8 clicks its heels three times, finds a Symbian Anna service pack update originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 19:35:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� All About Symbian �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Archon Genomics X Prize offers up $10 million for sequencing 100 human genomes
// October 28, 2011 at 7:01 AM

Sure, we've come to love the X Prize for all of its crazy futuristic car building and moon racing contests, but the latest competition is decidedly smaller -- at least in one sense. For the Archon Genomics X Prize, the foundation is asking teams to sequence "medical grade" human genomes -- 100 of them, in fact -- using the DNA of 100 centenarians (folks who've made it to the ripe old age of 100), referred to pithily as the "Medco 100 Over 100." The centenarian DNA may contain secrets to overcoming disease -- after all, they made it to 100 for a reason. The competition opens to teams on January 3rd of next year -- once completed, the data gathered will be opened up to researchers. Press info can be unlocked after the break.Continue reading Archon Genomics X Prize offers up $10 million for sequencing 100 human genomesArchon Genomics X Prize offers up $10 million for sequencing 100 human genomes originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 20:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for
use of feeds.Permalink�Fast Company �|� X Prize �|�Email this�|�Comments

// $35 Aakash Android tablet gets the hands-on treatment
// October 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM

While everyone was in a tizzy about Amazon's $199 Kindle Fire price point, the Indian government was busily working to help bring out the $35 Aakash Android tablet. The tablet was developed with similarly good intentions as OLPC's XO laptop before it -- an attempt to get low-cost computing devices into the hands of students. One of the tablets landed in the VentureBeat offices this week. The site spent some hands-on time with the Froyo slate, and mostly liked what it saw, noting that seeming compromises made for price and a speedy release date ultimately benefit the whole of the device. The tablet will start hitting India next month, at the $35 government-subsidized pricepoint (actual retail price is a still mega-cheap $60).$35 Aakash Android tablet gets the hands-on treatment originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 20:24:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� VentureBeat �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Microsoft cracks open a window to the future, anticipates our laziness (video)
// October 28, 2011 at 8:31 AM

In the future, we'll all be slaves to rectangles. No, really. Well, at least that's the prognosis, albeit sanitized, Microsoft has slickly pieced together in its Productivity Future Vision concept video. It's a mostly seamless world where all of our interactions are made to be mobile, virtual, efficient and white-washed, but it actually just reads as too darn fussy and overcomplicated. Sure, we could get behind contactless payment, tablets with holographic displays and eyeglasses that translate conversations when you've just stepped off a red eye into some foreign destination -- that's all incredibly useful. But car windows with agenda overlays and transparent refrigerator door displays? Some things are better left lo-tech. For Redmond's part, the company's merely aiming to project ways these various implementations of "real technology" will intersect and "actively assist" us with our harried lives. Take a peek at MS' sanctioned tomorrow land and its sparse piano soundtrack after
the break.Continue reading Microsoft cracks open a window to the future, anticipates our laziness (video)Microsoft cracks open a window to the future, anticipates our laziness (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� The Official Microsoft Blog �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Samsung's Q3 2011 overall profit falls despite incredible phone sales
// October 28, 2011 at 8:57 AM

Ready for more dollars and cents earnings news? It's Samsung's turn, and when it comes to phones the news couldn't be better, where it notched an operating profit of $2.3 billion on record sales. Unfortunately, other parts of its massive business selling displays, memory chips, appliances, and more weren't as profitable, leading a quarterly profit of $3.8 billion, down 13% from the same period last year. We'll wait for a press release in English for more details, for now you can paw through bar graphs and figures in the accompanying slides.

Update: Now with English language press release included after the break.Continue reading Samsung's Q3 2011 overall profit falls despite incredible phone salesFiled under: Cellphones, HDTVSamsung's Q3 2011 overall profit falls despite incredible phone sales originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Samsung Q3 2011 earnings slides, Samsung Korea, Samsung �|�Email this�|�Comments

// iHome iW1 AirPlay wireless audio system finally available now, again, sort of
// October 28, 2011 at 9:54 AM

Remember back to September 26th when iHome's iW1 AirPlay speaker was supposed to be available? Curiously, the company's website continually listed the $300 system as "coming soon" (at least the times we checked), leaving iOS and iTunes users yearning for this cable-free audio ware in the proverbial dust. Now, a full month later, iHome has again announced the release of this flagship wireless speaker, even though it's still out of stock itself. According to the company, a quick trip to an Apple Store, Best Buy or Crutchfield should let you snag one, although, the latter's site won't have any until November 3rd. Here's to hunting -- and waiting for the smaller iW2 and iW3 units to get proper release dates. Full details in the press release after the break.Continue reading iHome iW1 AirPlay wireless audio system finally available now, again, sort ofiHome iW1 AirPlay wireless audio system finally available now, again, sort of originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 22:54:00
EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� iHome �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Murata Manufacturing shows off self-balancing electric walking aid
// October 28, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Walking assistants of the future come in all shapes and sizes -- from exoskeletons to high-tech walkers -- and you can now also this electric walking aid from Murata Manufacturing to the list of possibilities. It's inspired by some of the standalone robots that the company has built and, much like the Segway, it's able to maintain its balance and stand upright on its own (with an extra set of wheels for some added security). Unlike traditional walkers, however, it requires virtually no effort to push, with built-in sensors able to detect how much the person's body is tilted, and how fast or slow it should move to keep up with them -- it's also apparently powerful to carry a person's luggage or groceries. As you might have suspected, however, it's still just a prototype, and the company isn't ready to say when it might become an actual product. Head on past the break for the company's recent demonstration at CEATEC.Continue reading Murata Manufacturing shows off self-balancing
electric walking aidMurata Manufacturing shows off self-balancing electric walking aid originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� DigInfo TV �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Amazon's gift card restriction patent: puts some thought in your otherwise thoughtless present
// October 28, 2011 at 12:07 PM

We all have that one friend or family member that's nigh impossible to shop for, whether it's because they have everything or like nothing. Gift cards are the quick and dirty solution to this gifting conundrum, but what if you don't trust that special someone to make a purchase you'd be proud to call your present? Never fear, Amazon is here... with a new patent that lets you, the gift-giver, control which of the retailer's wares can be bought with its gift cards. Of course, those who aren't such control freaks can simply have the card make purchase recommendations instead. Plus, this gift card of tomorrow can also let you know what was bought with the card to give you some insight for future gifting occasions. Maybe then you'll be able to give your mother-in-law something she'll like, instead of just some repurposed retail cash.Amazon's gift card restriction patent: puts some thought in your otherwise thoughtless present originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 01:07:00
EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Geek Wire �|� USPTO �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Microsoft: Windows Phone Mango now being delivered to '100 percent' of compatible devices
// October 28, 2011 at 1:11 PM

We just heard last week that the Windows Phone Mango update was available on nearly every compatible device, and Microsoft has now made things completely official. In a post on the Windows Phone blog today, Microsoft confirmed that it's "now delivering Mango to 100 percent of eligible phones around the world, regardless of carrier." That feat was reached less than a month after Microsoft announced that that Mango was available on half of Windows Phones, which certainly an improvement on the pace of the earlier NoDo update. Included in this last batch is the LG Optimus 7 on Telefonica is Spain and the Samsung Omnia 7 on Deutsche Telekom. Now, about that Apollo update...Microsoft: Windows Phone Mango now being delivered to '100 percent' of compatible devices originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 02:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Windows Phone Blog �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Warpia's StreamHD Value Edition does wireless USB to HDMI on the (kinda) cheap
// October 28, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Were you intrigued by Warpia's StreamHD, but turned off by its $170 price? Well maybe the new Value Edition (or VE to the cool kids) will make you crack open that piggy bank. At $130 we still wouldn't call the StreamHD VE an impulse purchase, but it's certainly not a budget buster. In the package is the same USB adapter, a wireless receiver and an A/V base with an HDMI out -- and the company still throws in an HDMI cable to boot. What do you lose to land that $40 discount? Well 5.1 surround sound for one. There's no S/PDIF out and only stereo audio is supported over HDMI. The A/V dock also cuts out the 3.5mm audio out jack, but chances are you weren't using it anyway. Check out the complete PR and one more pic after the break.Continue reading Warpia's StreamHD Value Edition does wireless USB to HDMI on the (kinda) cheapWarpia's StreamHD Value Edition does wireless USB to HDMI on the (kinda) cheap originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 03:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms
for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Pure Music looks to give Spotify a run for its money, but only in the UK
// October 28, 2011 at 3:19 PM

If you're looking to save a little coin on your Adele streaming habits, Pure Music may be worth a look. Beginning in December, you can have millions of songs at your fingertips for �4.99 (about $8) a month -- but only in the UK. Music on-demand, internet radio and other programs will be available for your laptop, iOS device or one of the company's many WiFi capable devices, all for a monthly sum that's slightly cheaper than Spotify. Should you make use of the Tag bookmarking system on one of Pure's radios, you'll be able to access those highlighted tracks on your smartphone or computer as well. Don't worry Android faithful, an app tailored for you is in the works. Need a peek at the fine print? No worries, just hit the source link below and read away.Pure Music looks to give Spotify a run for its money, but only in the UK originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 04:19:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Electronista �|� Pure Music �|�Email

// Garmin announces FR70 fitness watches to keep you on track
// October 28, 2011 at 4:34 PM

Looking to keep those New Year's resolutions past the first week of January in 2012? Garmin's out to help you stay the course with its FR70 fitness watches for both guy and gals. Using this trainer's timepiece, you'll be able to track your workout time, heart rate and calories burned right on your wrist. Powered by ANT+ technology, the FR70 can connect to compatible devices like treadmills, bikes, elliptical machines, your boyfriend's Segway, etc. For avid runners, pairing the watch with a wireless foot pod will clue you in on speed, distance and cadence during your training sessions. If biking is more your style, a pace sensor is available for you as well. Combine an FR70 with the Tanita BC-1000 system and you can track weight, water levels, body fat and a handful of other measurements that will be stored right on the device. Once all the data is collected, it can be sent to Garmin Connect whenever you return with range of your PC. The pair will be available in the UK, starting in
November, for �129 / €139 ($197). If you need some reading while you're lacing up those Nikes, hit the PR button for the full skinny.Continue reading Garmin announces FR70 fitness watches to keep you on trackGarmin announces FR70 fitness watches to keep you on track originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 05:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Korean researchers create stretchy transistors made of graphene
// October 28, 2011 at 5:10 PM

Graphene's greatness comes from its flexibility, both figurative -- you can make everything from transparent speakers to stain resistant pants with the stuff -- and literal. And now researchers in Korea have given us another pliable graphene product by creating a stretchy transistor from the carbon allotrope. The trick was accomplished by first layering sheets of graphene on copper foil and bonding it all to a rubber substrate. To complete the transistor channels were etched onto its surface, then electrodes and gate insulators made of ion gel were printed onto the device. What resulted was a transistor that could stretch up to five percent without losing any electrical efficiency, and the plan is to increase its elasticity through continued research. Keep up the good work, fellas, we can't wait for our flexible phone future.Korean researchers create stretchy transistors made of graphene originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 06:10:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use
of feeds.Permalink�PhysOrg �|� Nano Letters �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Samsung Galaxy Note review
// October 28, 2011 at 6:15 PM

Remember the display on your first mobile phone? If you've been chatting on the go for as long as we have, it was probably barely big enough to fit a complete telephone number -- let alone a contact name or text message. And your first smartphone? Even displaying scaled-down, WAP versions of web pages was asking a lot. Now, those mobile devices we couldn't live without have screens that are much, much larger. Sometimes, though, we secretly wish they were even bigger still.

Samsung's new GT-N7000 Galaxy Note is the handset those dreams are made of -- if you happen to share that dream about obnoxiously large smartphones, that is. It's as thin as a Galaxy S II, lightning fast and its 5.3-inch HD Super AMOLED display is as gorgeous as it is enormous; the 1280 x 800 pixels you once could only get with a full-size laptop (or in the Galaxy Tab 10.1) can now slide comfortably into your front pocket. Its jumbo display makes it the perfect candidate for a notepad replacement and, with the included S Pen stylus, you'll have no problem taking notes on the fly, marking up screenshots or signing documents electronically. But, is that massive display too much of a good thing? You'll need to jump past the break to find out.
Gallery: Samsung Galaxy Note reviewContinue reading Samsung Galaxy Note reviewSamsung Galaxy Note review originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 07:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// ITG xpPhone 2 to get some Windows 8 love, starts living large in January
// October 28, 2011 at 6:59 PM

Let's be honest: with the size of a brick and a relatively short battery life, it's no surprise that ITG's xpPhone hasn't quite dominated the smartphone market since its launch back in November. In fact, we haven't even seen one in the wild, and we certainly wouldn't have missed it if there ever was one on the street. That said, ITG hasn't given up, as the company's just announced its second-generation Windows-powered smartphone. The reason? Well, interestingly enough, ITG prefers Windows' greater range of compatible software compared to mobile OSs such as Android and iOS. Let's just leave it at that for now.

Simply dubbed the xpPhone 2, this beast of a QWERTY slider packs a 1.6GHz Intel Atom Z530 chip, along with 2GB RAM, up to 112GB of SSD storage, 4.3-inch display and compatibility with both Windows 7 and Windows 8 -- obviously the latter OS will depend on its final release date. Not only has battery life been bumped up to around 18 hours of call time or 46 days on standby, but the phone's also been slimmed down to 140mm x 73mm x 17.5mm, which is a huge improvement compared to its bulky predecessor. With the touch-friendly Windows 8 on board along with a non-underclocked CPU, we have a feeling that the xpPhone 2 will at least fare much better than Fujitsu's F-07C; as for the rest, we shall see when it comes out in January next year. And no, it probably won't run Crysis.
Gallery: ITG xpPhone 2ITG xpPhone 2 to get some Windows 8 love, starts living large in January originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 07:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Mystery Motorola devices headed for Verizon, could be the long-awaited Xoom 2s?
// October 28, 2011 at 7:33 PM

Is Big Red gearing up for a tag team Moto tablet refresh? From the looks of this internal screen grab (and the oodles of pre-release leaks), that may very well be the case. Despite the lack of official confirmation from both parties, we're pretty certain those two mystery model numbers shown above -- MZ617 and MZ609 -- belong to the oft in-the-wild spotted Xoom 2 and its 8.2-inch "Media Edition" sibling. Unfortunately, that listed October 23rd date has come and gone with nary a mention of the slates' existence, so we'll just have to content ourselves with evidence of their apparent 4G capabilities and storage configurations. Folks keen to snag the full-fledged 10.1-incher will purportedly be able to select from 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models, whereas lil' bro Fleming offers up 16GB and 32GB options. With Google's Motorola acquisition looming overhead, these could be your go-to tabs for an unadulterated Ice Cream Sandwich experience. And, hey, at least they'll ship with LTE this
time.Mystery Motorola devices headed for Verizon, could be the long-awaited Xoom 2s? originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 08:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Droid-Life �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Escort's SmartCord Live brings radar detection, KRS-One to your smartphone (video)
// October 28, 2011 at 7:54 PM

Evading the long arm of the law, as we all know, is infinitely easier with a radar detector onboard -- and even easier if said detector is hooked up to a cloud. That's the idea behind the SmartCord Live, a new power cord from the eagle-eyed folks at Escort. Once connected to your car's radar detector and lighter socket, this Bluetooth-enabled bundle will communicate with your iPhone or Android handset through a specialized app. Once that's taken care of, you'll be hooked up to Escort Live -- a so-called "social network for the road." There, you'll find access to Escort's Defender database, full of real-time geographic information on verified speed traps, red light cameras and other roadway surveillance systems. Once your detector picks up a threat, you can press a "report" button on the cord or app to instantly send out a big "five-oh" to all other Escort users in the area, while boosting your Karma quotient, in the process. Find out more about the cord and its corollary system,
after the break.

Continue reading Escort's SmartCord Live brings radar detection, KRS-One to your smartphone (video)Escort's SmartCord Live brings radar detection, KRS-One to your smartphone (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 08:54:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�SlashGear �|� Escort Radar �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Engadget Distro Issue 10: It's alive! And ready for download
// October 28, 2011 at 8:15 PM

They're creepy, they're kooky, they're your favorite Frankengadgets and they've invaded the latest issue of Engadget Distro. But fear not, this edition of our fine weekly isn't all about chopping and screwing the devices you love, we've got plenty of other real-life gadgets on hand as well. See that tiny silver sliver on the cover? That's ASUS' Zenbook UX31, perhaps the most viable candidate for the Ultrabook throne. It may not be as thin and light, but we're also bringing you a review of Dell's lightweight XPS 14z, an ergonomically sound laptop with a sizable asking price. On the mobile front, Myriam Joire says hello and goodbye to Nokia's N9 MeeGo phone and Zach Honig gets his hands on its brother from another operating system, the Lumia 800. Nokia's claiming its latest is the "first real Windows Phone," but Sharif Sakr's review of the HTC Titan might just prove otherwise. We'll also bring you a look into Tech News Today host Iyaz Akhtar's geeky upbringing, our latest installation
of In Real Life and an exclusive comic from Ed Piskor. So what are you waiting for? Hop on that iPad or hit the PDF download link below, and soak up all that Distro goodness.

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// Samsung claims top spot in global smartphone shipments for Q3 2011, Apple slips to number two
// October 28, 2011 at 8:37 PM

On this edition of As The Smartphone World Turns..., we've got Samsung violently snatching victory from the jaws of Apple, claiming its spot at the top of global smartphone vendors once more. Dramatics aside, the latest shipment figures tallied up by Strategy Analytics are showing that worldwide smartphone shipments are up 44 percent year-over-year, reaching a staggering 117 million units in Q3 2011. Digging into that a bit, we're told that Samsung has overtaken Apple from a units-shipped standpoint, with Sammy moving 28 million smartphones and claiming 24 percent of the market share. If you'll recall, Apple briefly grabbed hold of numero uno last quarter, but has now fallen a rung with 15 percent of the global pie. Of course, things could be dramatically different when we see Q4 2011 figures roll out -- remember, Q3 2011 was the last quarter in a long string with the aging iPhone 4 as Apple's "newest" device. Stranger still, Nokia is slotted third with just 14 percent of the global
share, representing a precipitous drop from 33 percent a year ago. Similarly, Nokia's fortunes are apt to change with both the N9 finally out and its spate of Windows Phone devices heading out in short order. Hop on past the break for the full breakdown.Continue reading Samsung claims top spot in global smartphone shipments for Q3 2011, Apple slips to number twoSamsung claims top spot in global smartphone shipments for Q3 2011, Apple slips to number two originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Strategy Analytics �|�Email this�|�Comments

// AUO's flexible e-paper to take on Stretch Armstrong in battle of the bendiest
// October 28, 2011 at 8:59 PM

There's nothing better than unplugging on a Sunday afternoon with a newspaper and a cup of Joe, which is exactly what AU Optronics hopes to facilitate with its 6-inch Rollable Organic TFT E-paper. We've heard rumblings about the foldable photovoltaic device before, but the company has finally delivered a working prototype that is completely solar powered and elastic enough to make even Gumby jealous. Made of organic TFTs, the SVGA e-paper has an amorphous silicon PV battery, which turns natural or indoor light into solar energy without requiring a power plug. The only downside? Unlike the dead tree variety, wrapping presents in this stuff is a no-go. Check out the extended PR after the break.Continue reading AUO's flexible e-paper to take on Stretch Armstrong in battle of the bendiestAUO's flexible e-paper to take on Stretch Armstrong in battle of the bendiest originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Tech-On
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// MadCatz proves its soul still burns with Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick Soul Edition
// October 28, 2011 at 9:25 PM

If you're a fan of arcade-style fighting games, you're surely hip to MadCatz's FightStick Tournament Edition for PS3 and Xbox 360. As it's done with Street Fighter in the past, the company is back with another variation of the arcade stick, this time officially themed for the upcoming Soul Calibur V. Launching near the game in January 2012, the Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick Soul Edition features the usual masher-friendly eight button with joystick layout, but sports a casing endowed with visuals inspired by the game -- and an extremely unfortunate mix of hues. The crazy Cat hasn't announced a price yet, but considering these have gone for about $150 in the past, we'd imagine this one won't be too far off. Full details in the press release after the break.Continue reading MadCatz proves its soul still burns with Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick Soul EditionMadCatz proves its soul still burns with Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick Soul Edition originally appeared on Engadget on Fri,
28 Oct 2011 10:25:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink�Joystiq �|� MadCatz �|�Email this�|�Comments

// Google TV, take two, arrives next week with Honeycomb, Android Market
// October 28, 2011 at 10:00 PM

It has been a long year for Google TV. The first (and only, so far) round of hardware started shipping in October 2010 and at the time, promised the Android Marketplace with its wealth of third party apps early in the next year. That clearly didn't happen, and it quickly became most notable for what it was being blocked from doing, like streaming video from TV providers like Hulu and various network TV websites. After various false starts and delays, Sony Google TV and Logitech Revue hardware will finally receive updates to Android 3.1 Honeycomb (congratulations Google, now where's Ice Cream Sandwich?) starting this weekend. The biggest additions are the aforementioned apps, a new interface, and a refocused system for content discovery that starts with the new TV & Movies app pictured above. Check out the gallery for more pictures of the new Google TV, while more details and videos follow after the break.
Gallery: Google TV Honeycomb, Android Market screenshotsContinue reading Google TV, take two, arrives next week with Honeycomb, Android MarketGoogle TV, take two, arrives next week with Honeycomb, Android Market originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink� �|� Google TV Blog, Google TV site �|�Email this�|�Comments

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