Google to unify existing communication platforms into one app: Babble

Google Talk video chat

Google’s various communication platforms are arguably the best of their kind. Google Voice, Talk, Google+ messages and Hangouts are all great products on their own. Using them together, however, is impossible. They don’t talk to each other behind the scenes, leaving text, links, pictures and videos siloed and secluded in their respective apps. Google is finally looking to tackle that issue, under the name Babble.
According to, who is citing, “multiple sources,” Google will be unifying all of their communications services into one app, called Babble. The rumor that Google may roll all of their chat services into one app has been around for some time now, but being able to attach a name to the project is new.
Babble is apparently being built from the ground up to be as future proof as possible. Not a whole lot is known right now, just that Babble will cover all of Google’s communication platforms, and be available on both phones and computers. Babble, if that it is what it’s eventually released as, should be unveiled at Google I/O this May.
As a die-hard Google Talk user, I’m excited to see what Google has in store for us with Babble. All of Google’s chat services have needed some work for some time now, but simply retooling them all individually is not the answer. If Babble is successful, it will be Google’s answer to iMessage, BBM, Kik, Facetime, Skype and every other similar service you can imagine. Chances are, it will be the new king of messaging as soon as it’s released.
What do you think, does Babble have you excited, or are you already committed to other services?

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